Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3
(too old to reply)
John Szura
2013-07-29 05:00:14 UTC
I am new to NJE and I am confused. The manuals for each JES indicate
that you can use a mix of protocols (BSC, SNA and TCP/IP). However, a
JES2 system has only one OWNNODE and JES3 has only one home node. I
can't see how these nodes can handle different protocols. I have named
my OWNNODEs/home nodes to be equal to the system name (e.g. SYS1) and my
remote nodes to be the system name suffixed by a single letter (B=BSC,
S=SNA, T=TCP) indicating the type of node (e.g. SYS1B, SYS1S, SYS1T).
However, when I try to send output from JES3 whose home node is SYS1 to
JES2 node SYS2T whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get JES2 error message
RECOGNIZED, RC=5. When I try to go from JES3 (SYS1) to remote node
SYS2T whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get a TCP/IP error IAZ0520I
JES3NETS NJETCP Signon error: OHOST value not valid in OPEN. This is
the just the problem with trying a TCP/IP transfer. When trying to use
BSC, I get missing interrupts on the CTC.
The real question is how to name the nodes to be able to use different


John Szura
Lead Product Developer
Tone Software Corp.
Lizette Koehler
2013-07-29 11:17:00 UTC
Cross Posting to JES2 and JES3 newsgroups


What version of z/OS are you running?
Will you be using SNA or TCPIP to connect?

Could you paste your JES2 and JES3 Definitions from the deck?

Have your reviewed the following documents

z/OS V1R9.0-V1R11.0 JES2 Introduction
http://tinyurl.com/l69eev9 or


-----Original Message-----
From: JES2 discussion group [mailto:JES2-***@listserv.vt.edu] On Behalf Of
John Szura
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 9:49 PM
Subject: Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3

I am new to NJE and I am confused. The manuals for each JES indicate that
you can use a mix of protocols (BSC, SNA and TCP/IP). However, a
JES2 system has only one OWNNODE and JES3 has only one home node. I can't
see how these nodes can handle different protocols. I have named my
OWNNODEs/home nodes to be equal to the system name (e.g. SYS1) and my remote
nodes to be the system name suffixed by a single letter (B=BSC, S=SNA,
T=TCP) indicating the type of node (e.g. SYS1B, SYS1S, SYS1T).
However, when I try to send output from JES3 whose home node is SYS1 to
JES2 node SYS2T whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get JES2 error message
RECOGNIZED, RC=5. When I try to go from JES3 (SYS1) to remote node SYS2T
whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get a TCP/IP error IAZ0520I JES3NETS NJETCP
Signon error: OHOST value not valid in OPEN. This is the just the problem
with trying a TCP/IP transfer. When trying to use BSC, I get missing
interrupts on the CTC.
The real question is how to name the nodes to be able to use different


John Szura
Lead Product Developer
Tone Software Corp.
Lizette Koehler
2013-07-29 13:34:57 UTC
Just one more note.

From 2007 through 2012 there were several SHARE Presentations on JES2/JES3
and NJE

• What are All These JES2 NJE Options? (The A-Zs of NJE)
[File Library] 100% Last Modified: Aug 06, 2012
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
Have a JES2 NJE network but have no idea what a path manager is? Never had
JES2 NJE but want to try it out? Got SNA (or BSC CTCs) NJE... and want to
know about NJE over TCP/IP? And what are all these operands... on the NODE
statement? Answers to these questions and other obscure facts will be
presented at this session. Tom Wasik ; IBM Corporation

• JES2 and JES3 TCP/IP NJE Advanced Topics
[File Library] 66.21% Last Modified: Feb 11, 2007
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
This session grew out of some real-world experiences (and surprises!)
arising from an extraordinarily large and complex NJE configuration
involving JES2 and JES3, multiple network... servers, multiple sockets, etc.
The presentation will discuss differences in how the JESes behave... as well
as provide valuable insight into how to best put together complex
configuration of this sort. Presenter...(s): Greg Thompson, IBM Corporation

• Implementing JES2 TCP/IP NJE - Hints and Tips from System Test
[File Library] 63.67% Last Modified: Feb 11, 2007
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
Here are some of their hints and tips with the new JES2 TCP/IP NJE feature.
Presenter...The system test group in IBM is the first group to test the
operating system code on a real processor. Their purpose is to stress the
code, break it, and validate the fixes. Come to this session and
learn...(s): Greg Thompson, IBM Corporation and Gloria Carvajal, IBM

• JES3 TCP/IP NJE Lessons Learned During System Testing
[File Library] 60.78% Last Modified: Feb 24, 2008
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
The first individuals to really use JES3 TCP/IP NJE functionality were
trying everything they could think of to break it! In this session, a member
of IBM System Test will discuss... the team's experiences and share valuable
lessons learned during testing. This session has been updated... since it
was presented at SHARE in San Diego. Presenter(s): Greg Thompson, IBM

• Differences in JES2 and JES3 TCP/IP NJE Learned at System Test
[File Library] 58.85% Last Modified: Feb 24, 2008
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
The IBM System Test team has spent a lot of time dealing with large and
complex NJE configurations involving both JES2 and JES3 with multiple
network servers, multiple sockets, etc.... In this session, a representative
from System Test will discuss differences in how the JESes behave... and
will provide valuable insight into how to best put together a complex
configuration of this sort.... This presentation has been updated since it
was given at SHARE in Tampa. Presenter(s): Greg Thompson..., IBM

• JES NJE over TCP/IP - Security Considerations When Connecting MVS to
the Network
[File Library] 53.92% Last Modified: Mar 14, 2010
(Text was found in the contents of the file)
Converting Network Job Entry (NJE) connections from SNA to TCP/IP also moves
the data from a closed environment to the wide open internet, and requires
the JES systems programmer... to understand enough of the open networking
environment to be able to ensure that the NJE... traffic is properly
secured. The speaker, an IBM expert in the networking area, will discuss...
some of the advantages and disadvantages of the different ways of protecting
data, such as SSL... personnel. Presenter(s): Alfred Christensen, IBM

• TCP/IP NJE for JES2 and JES3 Revisited
[File Library] 44.38% Last Modified: Aug 23, 2009
Come to this session to learn how to implement NJE over TCP/IP on your JES2
and JES3 sysplexes. Â The speaker will discuss how to dynamically change
your current SNA configuration... discussion about how to configure NJE
between JES2 and JES3. You should... to TCP/IP and how to define that
configuration in your initialization streams. There will also be some... be
able to leave this session with enough information to go home and implement
the changes in your... installation. Presenter(s): Greg Thompson, IBM


-----Original Message-----
From: JES2 discussion group [mailto:JES2-***@listserv.vt.edu] On Behalf Of
John Szura
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 9:49 PM
Subject: Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3

I am new to NJE and I am confused. The manuals for each JES indicate that
you can use a mix of protocols (BSC, SNA and TCP/IP). However, a
JES2 system has only one OWNNODE and JES3 has only one home node. I can't
see how these nodes can handle different protocols. I have named my
OWNNODEs/home nodes to be equal to the system name (e.g. SYS1) and my remote
nodes to be the system name suffixed by a single letter (B=BSC, S=SNA,
T=TCP) indicating the type of node (e.g. SYS1B, SYS1S, SYS1T).
However, when I try to send output from JES3 whose home node is SYS1 to
JES2 node SYS2T whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get JES2 error message
RECOGNIZED, RC=5. When I try to go from JES3 (SYS1) to remote node SYS2T
whose OWNNODE is named SYS2, I get a TCP/IP error IAZ0520I JES3NETS NJETCP
Signon error: OHOST value not valid in OPEN. This is the just the problem
with trying a TCP/IP transfer. When trying to use BSC, I get missing
interrupts on the CTC.
The real question is how to name the nodes to be able to use different


John Szura
Lead Product Developer
Tone Software Corp.
Tom Wasik
2013-07-29 21:09:10 UTC
Think layers.
Node names are the highest level connection object in NJE. NJE is a collection of nodes that communicate with each other. Each node must have a single unique name in the network.
Nodes are connected at a lower level using a protocol of BSC, SNA or TCP/IP. For BSC, we are talking a hardware connection that connects 2 MVS images so that is all there is. But for SNA and TCP/IP there are then names that need to be established within those protocols to connect nodes.
For SNA, there is an LU name needed for each side of the connection. These are assigned to LOGON devices on each end of the connection. Then there is a JES2 APPL statement that maps the LU name of a node in the network to the NJE node name. So SNA connections need a LOGON device on each node with an LU name assigned, a LINE statement on each side, and APPL(lu_name) on each side to map the other sides LU name to a NJE node name.
For TCP/IP, there is an IP address (or name) and port address needed for each side of the connection. Instead of a LOGON there is a NETSERV and instead of a APPL, there is a SOCKET. Each side needs a NETSERV with a IP address and port (defined on a SOCKET statement), a LINE statement on each side, and a SOCKET statement to associate the other sides IP address and port to a NJE node name (again on each side).
Many people use the same name for the SNA/TCP name and the node name. But in some cases that can be confusing.
So each JESPLEX (JES2 MAS or JES3 complex) has a single NJE node name but can have multiple LU or IP names to actually make connections. The presentations or the init and tuning books are a great place to start.
John Szura
2013-07-29 22:22:11 UTC
I really do get all that. We have 1 JES2 and 2 or 3 JES3 systems for
each z/OS release from 1.11 to 2.1. In order to test our program
product we have to create any type of protocol transfer (BSC, SNA or
TCP/IP) that our customers may have. My issue is, taking JES2 for
example, there is ony one OWNNODE (usually 1 on our systems) which I
assume is the local node. Am I to understand that, if no other
parameters that are protocol specific are used on the NODE statement
that gives a name to the local (OWNNODE) node, it will accept any type
of connection? And, if that is so, there seems to be no way to name a
node that indicates the kind of protocol to be used since any NJE
transfer to that node, whether BSC, SNA or TCP/IP, would have to use the
same name as specified on the NODE statement for the local (OWNNODE) on
the JES2 system. JES3 allows an alias to be specified for the home node
but no such facility exists for JES2.

As I mentioned in my original post, I have named remote nodes on each
system with the system name suffixed by B, S or T to indicate the
protocol that the node uses but the local node on each system is named
the same as the system name. This naming system does not seem
workable. Other than specifying the each system use a specific protocol
is there some way to name nodes to indicate the protocol to be used?

Post by Tom Wasik
Think layers.
Node names are the highest level connection object in NJE. NJE is a collection of nodes that communicate with each other. Each node must have a single unique name in the network.
Nodes are connected at a lower level using a protocol of BSC, SNA or TCP/IP. For BSC, we are talking a hardware connection that connects 2 MVS images so that is all there is. But for SNA and TCP/IP there are then names that need to be established within those protocols to connect nodes.
For SNA, there is an LU name needed for each side of the connection. These are assigned to LOGON devices on each end of the connection. Then there is a JES2 APPL statement that maps the LU name of a node in the network to the NJE node name. So SNA connections need a LOGON device on each node with an LU name assigned, a LINE statement on each side, and APPL(lu_name) on each side to map the other sides LU name to a NJE node name.
For TCP/IP, there is an IP address (or name) and port address needed for each side of the connection. Instead of a LOGON there is a NETSERV and instead of a APPL, there is a SOCKET. Each side needs a NETSERV with a IP address and port (defined on a SOCKET statement), a LINE statement on each side, and a SOCKET statement to associate the other sides IP address and port to a NJE node name (again on each side).
Many people use the same name for the SNA/TCP name and the node name. But in some cases that can be confusing.
So each JESPLEX (JES2 MAS or JES3 complex) has a single NJE node name but can have multiple LU or IP names to actually make connections. The presentations or the init and tuning books are a great place to start.
-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a private message. The information in this
email (including any attachments) is confidential and proprietary to
Tone Software Corporation, and is provided solely for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, reliance
upon, printing, distribution, or forwarding without express permission
of its sender is strictly prohibited. If you are not its intended
recipient, please immediately delete this email without copying and
kindly advise me by email of the mistaken delivery.
Jack Schudel
2013-07-31 15:51:54 UTC
(Hopefully this time the text will be readable.


Speaking from a JES2 perspective, the JES2 node name represents the shared
spool. If you have 3 systems (z/OS 2.1, 1.13, 1.12) sharing a common spool,
they would all use the same node name.
The JES2 LINE definition specifies the type of connection (BSC/CTC, SNA,
If you use VTAM networking, you might have applids of Z201JES2, Z113JES2 and
Z112JES2, all pointing to the common JES2 spool's node name.
Also, JES2 supports redundant connections between nodes, so you could have
several BSC connections, a VTAM connection and an IP connection all active
between a pair of nodes.

I hope this helps remove some of the confusion... -jack

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Szura" <***@TONESOFT.COM>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3
Post by John Szura
I really do get all that. We have 1 JES2 and 2 or 3 JES3 systems for
each z/OS release from 1.11 to 2.1. In order to test our program
product we have to create any type of protocol transfer (BSC, SNA or
TCP/IP) that our customers may have. My issue is, taking JES2 for
example, there is ony one OWNNODE (usually 1 on our systems) which I
assume is the local node. Am I to understand that, if no other
parameters that are protocol specific are used on the NODE statement
that gives a name to the local (OWNNODE) node, it will accept any type
of connection? And, if that is so, there seems to be no way to name a
node that indicates the kind of protocol to be used since any NJE
transfer to that node, whether BSC, SNA or TCP/IP, would have to use the
same name as specified on the NODE statement for the local (OWNNODE) on
the JES2 system. JES3 allows an alias to be specified for the home node
but no such facility exists for JES2.
As I mentioned in my original post, I have named remote nodes on each
system with the system name suffixed by B, S or T to indicate the
protocol that the node uses but the local node on each system is named
the same as the system name. This naming system does not seem
workable. Other than specifying the each system use a specific protocol
is there some way to name nodes to indicate the protocol to be used?
Post by Tom Wasik
Think layers.
Node names are the highest level connection object in NJE. NJE is a
collection of nodes that communicate with each other. Each node must
have a single unique name in the network.
Nodes are connected at a lower level using a protocol of BSC, SNA or
TCP/IP. For BSC, we are talking a hardware connection that connects 2
MVS images so that is all there is. But for SNA and TCP/IP there are
then names that need to be established within those protocols to connect
For SNA, there is an LU name needed for each side of the connection.
These are assigned to LOGON devices on each end of the connection. Then
there is a JES2 APPL statement that maps the LU name of a node in the
network to the NJE node name. So SNA connections need a LOGON device on
each node with an LU name assigned, a LINE statement on each side, and
APPL(lu_name) on each side to map the other sides LU name to a NJE node
For TCP/IP, there is an IP address (or name) and port address needed for
each side of the connection. Instead of a LOGON there is a NETSERV and
instead of a APPL, there is a SOCKET. Each side needs a NETSERV with a
IP address and port (defined on a SOCKET statement), a LINE statement on
each side, and a SOCKET statement to associate the other sides IP address
and port to a NJE node name (again on each side).
Many people use the same name for the SNA/TCP name and the node name.
But in some cases that can be confusing.
So each JESPLEX (JES2 MAS or JES3 complex) has a single NJE node name but
can have multiple LU or IP names to actually make connections. The
presentations or the init and tuning books are a great place to start.
-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a private message. The information in this
email (including any attachments) is confidential and proprietary to
Tone Software Corporation, and is provided solely for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, reliance
upon, printing, distribution, or forwarding without express permission
of its sender is strictly prohibited. If you are not its intended
recipient, please immediately delete this email without copying and
kindly advise me by email of the mistaken delivery.
J.O.Skip Robinson
2013-07-31 16:16:43 UTC
One additional observation. OP mentioned a 'node alias' facility in JES3.
JES2 has no such capability for NJE connections. Each node has one and
only one unique name in the network. JES2 does have DESTID, which allows
many different names to be used to route jobs or output through the
network, but that does not apply to NJE connections themselves.

If it's highly desired, node names could be constructed to indicate the
type of NJE connection in use, but you're still limited to one name per
node. With multiple connection types as Jack indicated, this might be more
misleading than helpful.

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From: Jack Schudel <***@UFL.EDU>
Date: 07/31/2013 08:54 AM
Subject: Re: Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3
Sent by: JES2 discussion group <JES2-***@listserv.vt.edu>

(Hopefully this time the text will be readable.


Speaking from a JES2 perspective, the JES2 node name represents the shared

spool. If you have 3 systems (z/OS 2.1, 1.13, 1.12) sharing a common
they would all use the same node name.
The JES2 LINE definition specifies the type of connection (BSC/CTC, SNA,
If you use VTAM networking, you might have applids of Z201JES2, Z113JES2
Z112JES2, all pointing to the common JES2 spool's node name.
Also, JES2 supports redundant connections between nodes, so you could have

several BSC connections, a VTAM connection and an IP connection all active

between a pair of nodes.

I hope this helps remove some of the confusion... -jack

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Szura" <***@TONESOFT.COM>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Using multiple protocols in NJE with JES2 and JES3
Post by John Szura
I really do get all that. We have 1 JES2 and 2 or 3 JES3 systems for
each z/OS release from 1.11 to 2.1. In order to test our program
product we have to create any type of protocol transfer (BSC, SNA or
TCP/IP) that our customers may have. My issue is, taking JES2 for
example, there is ony one OWNNODE (usually 1 on our systems) which I
assume is the local node. Am I to understand that, if no other
parameters that are protocol specific are used on the NODE statement
that gives a name to the local (OWNNODE) node, it will accept any type
of connection? And, if that is so, there seems to be no way to name a
node that indicates the kind of protocol to be used since any NJE
transfer to that node, whether BSC, SNA or TCP/IP, would have to use the
same name as specified on the NODE statement for the local (OWNNODE) on
the JES2 system. JES3 allows an alias to be specified for the home node
but no such facility exists for JES2.
As I mentioned in my original post, I have named remote nodes on each
system with the system name suffixed by B, S or T to indicate the
protocol that the node uses but the local node on each system is named
the same as the system name. This naming system does not seem
workable. Other than specifying the each system use a specific protocol
is there some way to name nodes to indicate the protocol to be used?
Post by Tom Wasik
Think layers.
Node names are the highest level connection object in NJE. NJE is a
collection of nodes that communicate with each other. Each node must
have a single unique name in the network.
Nodes are connected at a lower level using a protocol of BSC, SNA or
TCP/IP. For BSC, we are talking a hardware connection that connects 2
MVS images so that is all there is. But for SNA and TCP/IP there are
then names that need to be established within those protocols to
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
For SNA, there is an LU name needed for each side of the connection.
These are assigned to LOGON devices on each end of the connection. Then
there is a JES2 APPL statement that maps the LU name of a node in the
network to the NJE node name. So SNA connections need a LOGON device
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
each node with an LU name assigned, a LINE statement on each side, and
APPL(lu_name) on each side to map the other sides LU name to a NJE node
For TCP/IP, there is an IP address (or name) and port address needed
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
each side of the connection. Instead of a LOGON there is a NETSERV and
instead of a APPL, there is a SOCKET. Each side needs a NETSERV with a
IP address and port (defined on a SOCKET statement), a LINE statement
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
each side, and a SOCKET statement to associate the other sides IP
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
and port to a NJE node name (again on each side).
Many people use the same name for the SNA/TCP name and the node name.
But in some cases that can be confusing.
So each JESPLEX (JES2 MAS or JES3 complex) has a single NJE node name
Post by John Szura
Post by Tom Wasik
can have multiple LU or IP names to actually make connections. The
presentations or the init and tuning books are a great place to start.
Ed Jaffe
2013-07-31 17:04:40 UTC
Post by J.O.Skip Robinson
One additional observation. OP mentioned a 'node alias' facility in JES3.
JES2 has no such capability for NJE connections. Each node has one and
only one unique name in the network. JES2 does have DESTID, which allows
many different names to be used to route jobs or output through the
network, but that does not apply to NJE connections themselves.
If it's highly desired, node names could be constructed to indicate the
type of NJE connection in use, but you're still limited to one name per
node. With multiple connection types as Jack indicated, this might be more
misleading than helpful.
It sounds like John Z. wants to use a unique node name to choose which
path to take. I wish I had thought of trying to do that when developing
NJE support for (E)JES. We just shut down the lines that we didn't want
to use whenever we wanted to force a connection down a certain path. :-(
Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tom Wasik
2013-07-31 17:30:32 UTC
One basic difference between JES2 and JES3 is that when you define another node in JES3, you must also define the protocol that will be used to connect to that node. But that is not true in JES2. In JES2, you define the node and then select from the 3 protocols when you connect to that node node. JES3 needs to know the protocol being used so that it can properly queue the output going to the node. But JES2 does not queue output by protocol, just by destination node. In JES2 you can have all protocols simultaneously being used to connect two NJE nodes (unless the other node is JES3).
If you only want to use a particular protocol to send stuff to another node, then only start that protocol to the node. If there is only a SNA connection between two nodes, then that is what JES2 will use. If you drain the SNA connection and start TCP/IP, then that is the protocol we will use. Again the protocol is a lower layer and has nothing to do with NJE connections.
As for aliasing, JES2 does support DESTIDs for NJE nodes, but NOT for adjacent nodes. When JES2 connects to a NJE node we must know the real node name for the node we are connecting to (and we use the name on the NODE statement to determine that name).
Tom Wasik
JES2 Development
Rochester, MN
